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Andrew C. Wilson

Andrew C. Wilson

Criminal Defense and DUI / DWI Lawyer
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Wilson & Clas
Minneapolis, MN

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Case Results of Andrew C. Wilson

Record Expunged
Expungement of Burglary Charge/Conviction
Client was charged with burglary stemming from an incident in Wright County, Minnesota. Wilson successfully petitioned the court for a statutory expungement of those criminal records, which was granted, and client's record was sealed.

Not Guilty
Criminal Charge (Leaving the Scene of a Boating Accident)
Client was charged with leaving the scene of a boating death. After a jury trial, the jury found client not guilty on all counts.

Case Dismissed
Gross Misdemeanor Damage to Property
Client was alleged to have damaged a stranger's vehicle. Wilson motioned the court to dismiss the charged and, despite a prosecutor's strong objection, the district court granted Wilson's request and dismissed all charges outright.

Criminal Charge (Domestic Assault)
Client was charged with domestic assault--harm, a misdemeanor offense. All charges against Wilson's client were dismissed.

Criminal Appeal (Imposition of a Harassment Retraining Order)
Reversal of district court decision successfully appealed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Client had lost at district court in challenging the imposition of a harassment restraining order. Court of Appeals agreed that imposition of the HRO was improper, and reversed the decision in a published opinion.
