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How A Complete Streets Project Can Affect Your Bicycle Commute

How A Complete Streets Project Can Affect Your Bicycle Commute

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As a national movement, Complete Streets focuses on promoting inclusivity when it comes to street designs. The central idea is to meet the needs of everyone that will use the road including:

People of all age groups. People with disabilities, Bicycle enthusiasts, Public transportation travelers, and Regular pedestrians

The California Bicycle Coalition, known as CalBike, works together with other advocacy organizations to establish Complete Streets throughout California. 

The Benefits of Complete Streets

The goal of the Complete Streets program is to enable a safer access to streets and roads for all users. A Complete Street will make it easier for a person to walk to the store or bike to work. It will also allow public buses to run on a timely manner. A Complete Streets project has no particular design, as every road will be built based on the uniqueness of the setting and surrounding area. Equally important, it will be built based on what the local population needs. In spite of each road’s uniqueness, Complete Streets may include the following features: 

Roundabouts, Sidewalks, Wide paved shoulders, Bicycle lanes, Dedicated bus lanes, Easy-access to public transportation stops, Safe crossing intersections, Median road islands, Curb extensions, Easy-access to pedestrian signals, and/orNarrower travel lanes.

Completed projects will look differently between rural areas and highly urban areas. In spite of this, they will all be designed to enhance the convenience and safety of every person using it.

Why Complete Streets Projects Matter

When a street is regarded as “incomplete” it usually means that it isn't designed to suit the needs of a particular group. A majority of roads are designed to fit the needs of those commuting via motor vehicles. These roads generally place a limit on the transportation choices the local population needs. People who live in the local area will likely refrain from using their bicycles, walking, or use public transportation because of the potential dangers on the road. Incomplete streets are also inconvenient for many and are generally unappealing. 

Complete Streets Offer a Multitude of Benefits; Nonetheless Cyclists Will Be Exposed to Roadway Dangers

Whether your community has built Complete Street projects or has incomplete roads, if you are a cyclist, you may still continue to face dangerous road conditions because of the carelessness of other drivers. Complete Streets will give you the opportunity to commute safer than ever but roads are nonetheless intrinsically hazardous by nature. If you or someone you know was injured while using a bicycle, it is important to act quickly – seek the counsel of an experienced bicycle accident case attorney today. 

Attorney Scot T. Moga has over 20 years of committed experienced as a bike accident law firm serving victims of negligence obtain the restitution they deserve following injuries caused by a collision. Mr. Moga’s knowledge and experience in the field have successfully resulted in numerous successful personal injury cases. If you or someone you know has suffered a bicycle accident because of a careless driver, hire a proficient personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

About The Author
Scot Moga
With over 25 years of legal experience, attorney Scot Thomas Moga is dedicated to providing effective counsel, outstanding client communication, and creative solutions to the most complex legal issues. As an aggressive and zealous advocate, he is known for obtaining the maximum awards and settlements for his clients in an expeditious manner. Since founding Moga Law Firm in 1996, Mr. Moga has succe ...read more
