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IdahoMarijuana Law Lawyers in Jerome County, Idaho

When choosing a criminal defense attorney in Jerome County, Idaho for marijuana crimes, consider how much of the attorney's practice is devoted to fighting cannabis cases in state or federal court.

You should also consider ratings and reviews, and the attorney fees required for the representation.

From the simple possession of marijuana, to the cultivation of cannabis, to serious drug trafficking offenses, marijuana crimes come with serious penalties and punishments under state and federal law.

The collateral consequences of a conviction for a marijuana crime are also serious.

As more states begin to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, marijuana attorneys are also representing those in the emerging cannabis industry with business formation, licensing, and tax compliance issues.

Visit an article to learn more about how drug policies are changing as many states are taking different approaches to legalize cannabis under state law for medical or recreational purposes... Read more »

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Patrick Arthur McMillen

Patrick Arthur McMillen
McMillen Law Office
P.O. Box 353
Gooding, ID 83338
Licensed for 34 years, Patrick Arthur McMillen is a Criminal Defense lawyer... read more >

Rockne King Lammers

Rockne King Lammers
Jerome County Public Defender
121 3rd Avenue E.
Jerome, ID 83338
Licensed for 42 years, Rockne King Lammers is a Criminal Defense lawyer... read more >

Jeremy Luke Pittard

Jeremy Luke Pittard
Jerome County Public Defender
121 3rd Ave. E.
Jerome, ID 83338
Licensed for 17 years, Jeremy Luke Pittard is a Criminal Defense lawyer... read more >
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Nonprofit Legal Associations

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Founded in 1958, NACDL is the largest organization for criminal defense lawyers fighting to preserve fairness within America's criminal justice system. The organization has more than 10,000 direct members including criminal defense attorneys in private practice, public defenders in state or federal court, U.S. military defense counsel, law professors and judges.

Idaho Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

IACDL works to improve the quality of criminal defense legal services by providing attorneys with training through continuing legal education (CLE) seminars.

National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws NLC

More than 350 criminal defense attorneys belong to the NORML National Legal Committee (NLC). Members of the NORML NLC include many prominent criminal defense lawyers who are dedicated to ending prohibition of marijuana through education, legal reform and activism. Attorneys focused on other practice areas also belong to the organization.

NLC members are listed on the NORML website, are eligible for the NLC e-mail discussion group, receive the weekly email press release, and NORML News.


Find Attorneys in Idaho

Lawyer Referral Service in Idaho - The Idaho State Bar operates a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) from its offices in Boise, Idaho. The LRS helps individuals and businesses throughout the state find a qualified attorney. Attorneys in the LRS are members in good standing with the Idaho State Bar with no pending public disciplinary complaints. Attorneys in the LRS must carry Professional Liability Insurance and are screened for their experience in a particular practice area. In exchange for a $35 consultation fee, you can contact the attorney for a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge. Call 208-334-4500 to contact the LRS in Idaho.

About Jerome County

Find Attorneys in Idaho

Lawyer Referral Service in Idaho - The Idaho State Bar operates a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) from its offices in Boise, Idaho. The LRS helps individuals and businesses throughout the state find a qualified attorney. Attorneys in the LRS are members in good standing with the Idaho State Bar with no pending public disciplinary complaints. Attorneys in the LRS must carry Professional Liability Insurance and are screened for their experience in a particular practice area. In exchange for a $35 consultation fee, you can contact the attorney for a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge. Call 208-334-4500 to contact the LRS in Idaho.

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