Little Man In A Big Chair
I requested a accomidation which is allowed via page five of the small claims package for witnesses.
I being ADA and also my witnesses being further than the 100 miles that allowes you to request this
accomidation he denied it. The courts ADA coordinator had to go explain it to him. I knew he was
going to be a problem by his sheer arrogance.
We get to court, I've been doing this for almost 25 years and I can honestly say this guy was the
most unprofessional, bully, I have ever seen as basically a judge protem. He was on such a power
trip he should NEVER be let near a gaval. He treated an ADA witness with such distain after he
admitted he's never allowed Accomodations his whole carrier? To make matters worse he allowed
perjury a misdimeanor and caught my ex in lies, and still he couldn't keep his bias in check and
being a defence attorney, he knows perjury is a misdimeanor and what did he do about it in a court
of law? Nothing. Both I and the ADA Witness he abused are filing with Judicial Accountability so
hopefully no one else will hopefully have to be abused by this power hungry wanna be judge protem.