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IdahoInsurance Law Lawyers in Bonneville County, Idaho

Find attorneys that pursue bad faith claims against insurance companies in or near Bonneville County, Idaho.

If it can be established that the insurance company acted in bad faith, an attorney may be able to seek additional monetary penalties to compensate the victim.

If the conduct is particularly egregious, the award may even exceed the policy limits of the insurance claim.

Bad faith claims can arise after the insurance company either denies the claim or offer much less than what the claim is worth when that conduct violates an "implied covenant of fair dealing and good faith."

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Matthew David Romrell

Matthew David Romrell
McBride Roberts & Romrell, Attorneys
1495 E 17th St
Idaho Falls, ID 83404-6236
Licensed for 22 years, Matthew David Romrell is a Personal Injury lawyer who attended University of Idaho College of Law... read more >

G Lance Nalder

G Lance Nalder
Nalder Law Office, P.C.
591 Park Ave. Suit 201
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
G Lance Nalder is a Personal Injury lawyer... read more >

Michael Dean Gaffney

Michael Dean Gaffney
Beard St Clair Gaffney, PA
2105 Coronado St
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Michael Dean Gaffney is a Personal Injury lawyer... read more >

John Michael Ohman

John Michael Ohman
Cox Ohman & Brandstetter, Chartered
510 D St. PO Box 51600
Idaho Falls, ID 83405
John Michael Ohman is a Personal Injury and Civil Trial Law lawyer... read more >

Jean Barr Jorgensen

Jean Barr Jorgensen
Wilkerson Law Group
1534 Midway Dr
Ammon, ID 83406
Licensed for 21 years, Jean Barr Jorgensen is a Personal Injury and Health Law lawyer... read more >

Michael R McBride

Michael R McBride
McBride & Roberts, Attorneys
1495 E. 17th St
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Michael R McBride is a Personal Injury and Workers Compensation lawyer who attended University of Idaho College of Law... read more >
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Lawyer Referral Service in Idaho - The Idaho State Bar operates a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) from its offices in Boise, Idaho. The LRS helps individuals and businesses throughout the state find a qualified attorney. Attorneys in the LRS are members in good standing with the Idaho State Bar with no pending public disciplinary complaints. Attorneys in the LRS must carry Professional Liability Insurance and are screened for their experience in a particular practice area. In exchange for a $35 consultation fee, you can contact the attorney for a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge. Call 208-334-4500 to contact the LRS in Idaho.

About Bonneville County

Find Attorneys in Idaho

Lawyer Referral Service in Idaho - The Idaho State Bar operates a Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) from its offices in Boise, Idaho. The LRS helps individuals and businesses throughout the state find a qualified attorney. Attorneys in the LRS are members in good standing with the Idaho State Bar with no pending public disciplinary complaints. Attorneys in the LRS must carry Professional Liability Insurance and are screened for their experience in a particular practice area. In exchange for a $35 consultation fee, you can contact the attorney for a 30 minute consultation at no additional charge. Call 208-334-4500 to contact the LRS in Idaho.

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