Dear Gregory
My name is Lorraine Donaldson a lady called Jan Doughty pass me your details
I wonder if you can help me and my family. Back in January i lost my brother unfortunately for us he
got mental health and took his life. Terry had a bank account in coco beach, he did all the banking
online so when he passed we could not get into any of his details in the bank. Terrys sons was left
in Terrys will here in England. We have tried our best to get help from the bank but we can not get
any joy. Probate is all completed here. We have all Terrys Identification here and we have the
account number to the bank. This is a very upsetting time for myself and my family and we wonder if
you can please help us.
So I’m Lorraine Donaldson Terrys sister. My contact number is
One of Terrys sons is call Ricky Donaldson and this is his contact number.
Ricky is in the army he said he is going to try and call you Tomorrow or Monday.
You can always contact me too. I really hope you can help us please.
Kind regards
Lorraine Donaldson