Loss percentage with child (Family Law Case)
I hired Ms. Southerland to represent me in a civil family law case, which in the beginning, Ms.
Southerland appeared as if she would represent my case very well. I explained to Ms. Southerland
that I had my daughter Tuesday through Thursday and every other Monday. I advised Ms. Southerland
that I had 45 percent time sharing with my daughter and I just wanted to move the days that are
originally in the order to the weekend because that was more feasible. During the time before the
scheduled mediation, I would communicate with Ms. Southerland and I would make suggests to Ms.
Southerland about different issues that would come about, and it did not appear as if Ms.
Southerland was listening to my suggestions when it came time for me to explain to her what was
going on. Ms. Southerland did not communicate well with me in my case because when the time came for
mediation, we did not prepare, and she did not have things in order as well as to what I had told
her. During mediation I kept asking her why does the mediator keep say every other weekend, and her
reply was that is how the mediator is wording it. I kept telling her that did not make sense. When I
signed the order, I thought I was signing for every weekend and not every other weekend. Based on
Ms. Southerland’s reply I thought the mediator’s wording was ok and thought it meant every
weekend. I thought I was signing what I requested which was every weekend like I explained to Ms.
Southerland, so I would not lose any time sharing with my daughter but apparently, I lost some of my
time sharing with my daughter in this new modified order. Once the new order was signed Ms.
Southerland immediately submitted her conclusion with the case to the court for my case. I attempted
to address my issue with Ms. Southerland via telephone about the order, and she advised me that I
signed the paperwork. I asked her what can be done about this, and she said she was not going to do
anything in reference to the new order. I told her that she allowed me to lose time sharing with my
daughter, she did not have any remorse towards my issue, nor did she advise me of how my issue could
be handled. This complaint is not about the money, it is about how Ms. Southerland handled my case
with no concern at all and how Ms. Southerland did not communicate with me to make sure that I was
aware of what the new order stated before I signed the paperwork. My case was handled as if it was
just another child custody order. I hired Ms. Southerland because I thought she had my case at her
best interest, but the end resolves demonstrates that Ms. Southerland was not listening to me.