I don't suggest hiring
She paraded around taking on a family court case when she was a criminal lawyer. To begin with she's
talentless. In addition, she's a liar and nothing more than money hungry. She advised me in the most
horrible of ways and although she cashed in on $4000.00 in a very short amount of time that was
undeserving in every which way because she wholeheartedly half assed everything in my case. Don't go
with her and her "holistic" approach. None of the lawyers even in her company have stayed from a
year ago. What does that say about her beyond what I have shared? She's flat out unethical... She
portrays herself as authentic and caring but underneath the surface once she's gotten plenty of your
money while providing very little work towards your case she will finally show her greedy fangs. She
acts courteous but before too long you'll regretfully learn it was a facade. Her bills are paid but
nothing regarding your case was accomplished to reflect the talent and care she claims she has for
individuals. Did I mention she was advising in an area of law that she knew NOTHING about and failed
me and my children? I should also mention that if you ever find your voice and approach her be
prepared to experience her narcissistic and gaslighting talents to her clients while of course still
remaining money hungry in a manner that doesn't even match her actual capacity and talent. She's
nothing but a phony.