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ColoradoSocial Security Disability Law Lawyers in Jefferson County, Colorado

Find a social security disability attorney in Jefferson County, Colorado. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Social Security Income (SSI) pays benefits to qualified applicants who are disabled and need assistance with living expenses. Supplemental security income (SSI) is based on financial need. Additional benefits are available through medicare. Across the United States statistics and studies show that seventy percent (70%) of all SSDI and SSI claims are denied after the initial application. Social security disability lawyers in Jefferson County, Colorado handle your legal claim through the application and/or appeal process so that full benefits are recovered as quickly as possible.

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Michael Krieger

Michael Krieger
Michael S. Krieger, LLC
165 South Union Boulevard
Lakewood, CO 80228
Licensed for 10 years, Michael Krieger is a Social Security Disability Law lawyer... read more >

Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy
The Murphy Law Firm, LLC
10200 West 44th Ave. Suite 340
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Licensed for 26 years, Brian Murphy is a Personal Injury and Social Security Disability Law lawyer who attended University of Denver Sturm ... read more >
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Social Security Disability Specialty Areas

NBLSC Certification in Social Security Disability Advocacy - The National Board of Legal Specialty Certification is accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) to certify attorneys as specialists in social security disability advocacy.

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The Metropolitan Lawyer Referral Service - The MRLS is sponsored by several local bar associations including the First Judicial District Bar Association for Jefferson County, Colorado. Since 1972, the MLRS has helped individuals and businesses during their search for an attorney in Golden, Colorado. This non-profit and community based service screens local attorneys for their experience and good standing with the Colorado State Bar. The advantage of using a lawyer referral service includes the ability to talk with a trained staff person, pay a $75 consultation fee and receive an impartial referral to a local attorney with experience with that type of case.

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