Christopher C. Melcher - Profile information with the State Bar of California - Find more information about Christopher C. Melcher on the State Bar of California website, including: current status, actions affecting eligibility to practice law and disciplinary history.
CBLS Board Certification in Appellate Law - Lawyers certified in appellate law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization have demonstrated substantial involvement in this specific area of the law.
The CBLS defines appellate law as the "practice of law dealing with procedural and substantive aspects of matters before state and federal appellate courts."
The appellate courts include the United States Supreme Court, the California Supreme Court, the federal Court of Appeals, the California Court of Appeal, and comparable appellate court.
CBLS Board Certification in Family Law - Lawyers certified as family law specialists by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization (CBLS) have demonstrated substantial involvement in the practice of family law.
The CBLS defines the term "family law" as the practice of law "dealing with all aspects of the California Family Code and including, but not limited to, the following: taxation issues incident to family law practice; contempt; enforcement proceedings; mediation and/or negotiation of family law disputes; psychological and counseling aspects of family law; family law writ and appellate practice; postmarital agreements; nonmarital domestic relationships; child custody in any forum; and public enforcement of child support."