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Brian Ford

Brian Ford

Criminal Defense Lawyer
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Law Office of Brian A. Ford
San Francisco, CA

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Case Results of Brian Ford

8 yrs Vol. MS
LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE EXPOSURE (after Death Penalty declined by D.A.): 1st Degree Murder - P.C. 187(a) [1 count]; Conspiracy to Commit 1st Degree Murder - P.C. 182/187(a) [2 counts]; Assault w/ Semi-Automatic Firearm - P.C. 245(b) [3 counts]; Gang Enhancements - P.C. 186.22.
Feb 2020
Dubbed "Operation Sunny Day" after the code the persons arrested allegedly used to signify when a murder was successfully carried out, the 18-month-long investigation is the "most massive case prosecuted by the San Mateo County District Attorney's office in its history," according to San Mateo County District Attorney Steven Wagstaffe. https://www.paloaltoonline.com/news/2020/02/19/las t-sunny-day-defendant-sentenced-for-homicides

Misdemeanor Cultivation of Marijuana [H&S 11358(c)] and Possession of Marijuana for Sale [H&S 11359(b)]
Dec 2019
In a flury of legal whiplash surrounding the legality of marijuana, Calaveras County become the first county to authorize legal cultivation, then promptly banned all marijuana cultivation one year later and raided all of the formerly lawful marijuana grows. My client was wrapped up in those raids, but the prosecution dismissed the case against my client for clearly insufficient evidence after we set trial and pulled time.

4yr Plea PC 422
Potential LIFE EXPOSURE: Attempted 1st Degree Murder - P.C. 664/187(a) [3 counts]; Assault w/ Deadly Weapon - P.C. 245(a)(1); Felony Criminal Threats - P.C. 422; with Prior Strike Allegation - P.C. 667.
Jan 2019
A domestic dispute wherein my client was accused of assaulting the victim, her sister, and her mother with a knife. The case occurred on the Covelo Reservation and concerned Native American subjects. After litigating the case through preliminary hearing and with thorough investigation, we were able to thoroughly discredit the alleged victims' accounts and negotiate the case down to a 4 year sentence.

LIFE EXPOSURE: Forcible Rape - P.C. 261(a)(2) [2 counts]; Forcible Sodomy - P.C. 286(c)(2)(A); Forcible Oral Copulation - P.C. 288a [3 counts]; Kidnapping - P.C. 207(a); Battery with GBI - P.C. 243(d); Dissuading a Witness by Force or Threat - P.C. 136.1(c)(1) [2 counts]; Assault w/ Intent to Commit Felony - P.C. 220(a)(1) [5 counts]; Felony Criminal Threats - P.C. 422(a); with Special Allegations of Sex Offense Causing Great Bodily Injury - P.C. 12022.8, and Great Bodily Injury - P.C. 12022.7(a)
Aug 2017
The victim claimed that, after meeting my client of FarmersOnly.com, that my client held her captive at his mountain ranch, where she said he repeatedly and forcibly raped and sexually assaulted her. After several months of investigation and litigation, we uncovered incontrovertable proof of the alleged victim's lies: in a separate civil suit against her employers for falsified workplace injuries, she testified under oath at a deposition that she had not been a victim of any crime--let alone a violent or sexual crime--for years prior to her allegations. The DA was forced to dismiss the case prior to preliminary hearing. https://www.mariposagazette.com/articles/case-agai nst-cox-dismissed-defense-claims-da-had-no-choice/

25 YEAR - LIFE EXPOSURE: 1st Degree Murder - P.C. 187; Felon in Possession of Firearm - P.C. 29800(a)(1); Strike Prior alleged - P.C. 667(a) & (b)
Jul 2017
The murder investigation began after the Victim was found shot to death outside the a Vietnamese bikini bar in San Jose. 2 cooperating witnesses, including the getaway driver, identified my client. According to prosecutors, “It looked like a verbal argument of a minor variety with someone else ...Then the shooter walked up and shot the Victim. He didn’t like the way he was talking and he killed him.” There was no evidence that the victim and suspect knew each other. In reality, the 2 snitch-witnesses conspired to kill the victim and frame my client. https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2013/09/23/san-jose-t wo-arrested-in-2012-slaying-of-vallejo-man-outside -north-san-jose-bikini-bar/