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Rhonda Gail Davis

Rhonda Gail Davis

Personal Injury Lawyer
Rhonda Davis & Associates, LLC
Akron, OH
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About Rhonda Gail Davis

Attorney Biography

Attorney Rhonda Davis pursues cases in personal injury, medical malpractice, legal malpractice, nursing home litigation, and does pro bono work for groups which help the underprivileged and mentally/physically disabled. She has offices in Akron, Ohio and Marked Tree, Arkansas. BACKGROUND: Raised on a small farm in Bono, Arkansas, she graduated from Westside High School and Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. She received the prestigious Wilson Award for Most Outstanding Graduate at Arkansas State University. She received numerous national, regional, and state speaking and debate awards, as well as those from Arkansas State University.She received a Rotary International Graduate Scholarship to Macquarie University Law School, Sydney, Australia and graduated from University of Mississippi Law School. Attorney Davis was the Editor of the Journal of Space Law and member of the Trial Team and Jessup International Law Moot Court Team.Attorney Davis is licensed to practice law in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Ohio. She was an Assistant Attorney General in Tennessee's Office of Attorney General Antitrust Division, prosecuting bidriggers/pricefixers. Since 1994, she has been in the private practice of law and is a frequent lecturer on legal issues, practice and procedure for lawyers.LEADERSHIP: President of Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers in 2006-2007. American Association for Justice Women's Caucus Chair (2007-2008), State Delegates, Board of Governors, & Executive Committee.Supreme Court of Ohio Character and Fitness Board of Commissioners (6 years).Akron Bar Association Grievance Committee.PRACTICE AREASAttorney NegligenceInsurance Agent NegligenceInsurance Company DisputesMedical MalpracticeMotor Vehicle CollisionsNursing Home NegligencePharmaceutical NegligenceProduct LiaiblitySexual Assault of Children and AdultsWrongful DeathProbate of EstatesLast Will and Testament, including CodicilsDurable Power of Attorney for Health CareDurable Power of Attorney for Financial and Other Non-Health Care MattersLiving Will (end of life issues)Guardianships (of Estate and Person), (attorney and/or guardian)Deed Review and Revision

Practice Areas

Personal Injury (100%)

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Résumé - Rhonda Gail Davis

Bar Licenses

Ohio State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Arkansas State Bar
Member in Good Standing

Tennessee State Bar
Member in Good Standing

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Contact Rhonda Gail Davis

Rhonda Gail Davis
Rhonda Davis & Associates, LLC
159 South Main Street
Akron, OH 44308
Office: 330-374-0700
Office: 870-358-1042
Fax: 844-331-1414

Secondary Address:
118 Nathan Street
Marked Tree, AR 72365

More Information

Bar License Information

Supreme Court of Ohio -

Rhonda Gail Davis - Attorney information with The Supreme Court of Ohio - Find more information about Rhonda Gail Davis on The Supreme Court of Ohio and the Ohio Judiciary website including registration status and disciplinary history.

Statewide Practice Areas

Personal Injury in Ohio - The Lawyer Legion Personal Injury Information Center of Ohio provides valuable resources for people in need of legal help with a personal injury claim. Browse and compare lawyers, law firms, board-certified specialists and recognized leaders in the field of personal injury and civil trial law. Find valuable resources such as legal associations, civil justice organizations, courts, and government resources in the state of Ohio.
